Our girls as a models :-))
Halloween Poland 2014
1st training, Aprelka was great :-))
Mělník (CZ) 2014
Big game with Evka’s Greyhound pack 🙂
Untersiebenbrunn 2014
Preparation for the license.
Praha (CZ) 2014
Atelier photo-shooting with sister Rory – Aurora Lenel Slovakia
Lysá nad Labem (CZ) 2014
Training :-))
Mělník (CZ)
Game with Lakouš and Kenzo.
Lúky (SK)
Visit of the siblings was fine, Aprelka, Agent C. Lenel Slovakia a Ava Alexeievna Lenel Slovakia… 🙂
Mělník (CZ)
Preparation for the racing carrier :-)) “Rabbit” is the best toy. Sára shows to Aprel how to play in water 🙂
Bratislava (SK)
Friends visit in Slovakia, Aprelka with Badarko likes water so much 🙂
Chorvatsko 2014
Girls like sea so much, but they don’t understand why the water is salty 🙂
More photos: Na cestách:-)
Mělník (CZ) 2014
Girls love water :-))
Praha (CZ)
1st walk arround Prague
11.5.2014 Chlumec (CZ)
Aprelka 1st time on the coursing 🙂
Lúky (SK) 2013
And that’s how it all started, our little girl waiting for us :-))